A Virtual Power Plant, VPP,  is an aggregation of Prosumer owned behind the meter Distributed Energy Resources. The world’s largest power plant is already a 100% renewable VPP- https://www.next-kraftwerke.com/

Rapid deployment of VPPs is now a major Energy Policy of the US. SEE DOE’s VPP Liftoff program seeking to rapidly accelerate VPP deployment.  https://liftoff.energy.gov/vpp/

The economic study funded by Google https://www.brattle.com/…/Real-Reliability-The-Value-of… says that Centralized power technology in rates is economically obsolete compared to aggregations of Prosumer owned DERs on a VPP that are not in rates. The cost comparison conclusion of central versus decentralized new capacity in the Doc- “The VPP is the only resource with the potential to provide resource adequacy at a negative net cost to society.”

Rocky Mountain Institute is a leader in VPP advocacy-

RMI’s virtual Powerplant Partnership




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